Take every aesthetic of an American rock band – beautifully loud, amplified sound; light and video backgrounds; energetic, audience-engaging performances; continuous, memorized, brilliant music. Cross conservatory-trained precision with a love for electronics, experimentalism and math-metal, and you have futureCities: Anne Rainwater and Jude Traxler, piano and percussion.

Enriching the public perception of live music, futureCities comprises their repertoire of unique works that are flexible for an individual retelling of the composer’s message. By distilling each work to its most essential elements, futureCities makes art both adventurous and accessible. The first hearing of any music is special; the experience and surprise can never be recreated. To enhance each performance, programs are not released prior to a show. futureCities believes that without any previous knowledge of the piece’s composer, the listener approaches the music with a blank canvas ripe for creative interpretation. Bring your friends.