Revolver (SUITE)

A six-piece suite (in progress) for solo keyboard and 6-channel playback where the end of one piece begins the next. All tunes are based on transcriptions of some of the most influential songs in my life from the pop idiom.

TRAXLA – Nov 2012

Luke Traxler and I had been building a dubstep metal band for the last few years. Imagine seeing your favorite DJs actually performing intricate, hard-hitting original jams, rather than simply hitting PLAY on their laptops. Check out this improv with an eclectic collection of samples from Jaco to Björk.

The Black Brave Ocean (SUITE)

Based on 21 chords, the Black Brave Ocean evolved into 5 installations – individual compositions that are, ostensibly, bad copies of bad copies, creating structural and tonal variations that eventually collapse into a series of theatrical games and concluding with no performers at all through audio playback.

Remember & Crossings (EP) Studio Sessions

Stuart and I met in June of 2007. After many years of discussing the lack of finesse and musicality in “electronic” music, we collaborated on a structure of graphic notations and electron manipulations. The result – a romp of improvisatory drumming and an iPod on shuffle. Check out the overhead cam from the studio recording with Dustin Cicero at Manhattan School of Music in 2010.